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For our heroes

I admire the men and women that keep our country safe and put their own lives in jeopardy to save others lives. This is what we can currently offer to help these people and their families!


  • 50% off balm and soap for firefighters, law enforcement, military and EMT! (Limit 2 per year, per item, which is more than enough for a year! Contact me for details!)

  • 10% of all balm sales to Concerns of Police Survivors charity!

  • 10% of all leather soap sales to National Fallen Firefighters foundation!

  • 10% of all hand soap sales to Boot Campaign!


I will periodically post on social media how much has been raised so far, and donations will be made sometime in December. Proof will be posted of donations! 

Distributors can know how much they have contributed at any time as well.

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Concerns Of Police Survivors (c.O.P.S.)

  • Currently a 4-star charity on Charity Navigator! (highest ranking)

  • Helps rebuild the lives of families that have lost a loved one in the line of duty.

  • Provides many programs for survivors and current law enforcement families.

  • Governed by a national board of law enforcement survivors!

  • Maintains a well informed blog of activities, an awesome merch shop and beautiful website!

  • Provides MUCH more services than that!

American Flag thin blue red banner mine 2.jpg

National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

  • Currently a 4-star charity on Charity Navigator! (highest ranking)

  • Honors fallen firefighters

  • Helps rebuild the lives of families that have lost a loved one in the line of duty

  • Provides programs to help reduce injuries and deaths in the field

  • Provides well documented programs and services as well as active social media!

  • Provides much more services!

Boot Campaign

  • Has held a gold rating from GuideStar for years!

  • Helps rebuild the lives of veterans with self-improving programs!

  • Raised more than $22 million since 2009 for veteran families!

  • Maintains a well informed social media an awesome merch shop with sweeeeet combat boots and shoes and a stunning website!

The descriptions above are written by me and are intended to summarize as accurately as possible some of their goals and operations. The provided links offer you better and more accurate insight!

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