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May I formally introduce to you "The Kittyhog" pumice soap. Straight out of a WW2 battlefield comes this veteran-supporting soap that doesn't smell like gunpowder and diesel (for some a bitter disappointment), but instead a tasty orange amongst a meadow of freshly chopped pine trees.

Leather dye is a pain in the 🍑 to get off of your hands! I made a pumice soap for this reason, with 3 different grits from extra fine to coarse to help get that dye off your hand!


4.5 - 5 ounces of soap, should last a good month of day-to-day use!

"The Kittyhog" Pumice Soap

    • Coconut Soap (Sodium Cocoate)
    • Tallow Soap (Sodium Tallowate)
    • Glycerin
    • Pumice (3 grit sizes)
    • Mink Oil
    • Vitamin E
    • Essential Oils
    • French Clay
    • Citric Acid Soap (Sodium Citrate)
    • Mica Earth Pigments (Green, Brown and Black)

    To know WHY we include each ingredient, please visit here for more info!

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